Export a single session report
Log in to the Change Dashboard, click Reports, choose the session you want, and click Export. Your reports will export as .CSV files to your Downloads folder.
Export multiple reports
If you want to export reports from several distinct dates (say, from May 13 and May 20) or a range of dates (like from June 1 - June 30), see the steps below:
1. Decide which dates you'd like to export.
If it's for several distinct dates (like May 13 and May 20), then you'll look up each date and record its Session ID. If you want to export a range of Session Reports (like the month of June), then look up the first and last date of that range and make record the Session IDs as shown below:
2. Then click Reports and Export.
3. Enter your session IDs.
For distinct sessions, separate the IDs with a comma and a space. For a range of dates, enter the IDs with a dash between them (no spaces).
4. Now click Export.
Visit the Change support page for Reports or give us a ring at 515-661-5561 and we'll walk you through it.