“When can I get Change?”
We hear this question every week. It comes from excited owners of boutique shops and food trucks and coffee shops. Sometimes callers are just curious; other times, they’re standing at the top of a flight of stairs, ready to give their register a shove down. It’s not just an external question. We hear it from each other, too, although then it sounds more like, “What do you mean, not yet?” or “Did you hear that? I think that deadline was actually laughing as it flew past me. I need more coffee.”
There has been a lot going on with Change lately. Even since its debut at Mars Cafe, we’ve enhanced the cash drawer balancing, expanded reporting options and improved our printing support. But there’s still more work to do. We have a running list of must-haves for Change, and with each item check-off, we’re getting closer. Discounts and coupons? Check. Adding custom notes to an item? Check. Customizable rules for modifying orders and items? Not yet, but soon.
So, when can you get Change? The honest answer is, we don’t know yet. We do know that when Change does launch, it will be a friendly, efficient, data-sharing, menu-managing, change-making workhorse that makes existing cash registers obsolete.
In the meantime, keep in touch with us. Drop us into your RSS reader for regular progress updates (what we’re working on, what we’re struggling with, what we’re thrilled about). And sign up for our newsletter for a monthly roundup of what's been happening. That day will be here before we know it!