Over the past few weeks, we’ve been introducing the elements of the Change Credo, a philosophy that guides us as we work to build a better point of sale for our customers. So far we’ve explored “Make It Count” and “Make Mistakes.” This week, we’re discussing the intent behind “Make It Human,” a reminder that we’re all here to build a product for real people with real problems that need to be solved.
Remember, we’re humans building things for other humans.
Real people with emotions, fears, and flaws.
Break down walls.
Find ways to connect with others and make them feel comfortable.
Earn trust by going that extra mile.
When developing a complex product like Change, it’s easy to get caught up in all the cool and shiny features we could build. But if those features aren’t benefiting our customers, we might as well pack up and head home.
Even early on, Igor Dobrosavljević, our COO, knew this idea of “Making It Human” would be important in contributing to the success of our company.
“Make it human is a simple reminder that we, as a company, build things for other people to solve their problems. Technology for technology’s sake is not something we are interested in spending our time on.”
At Change, our focus is to make lives easier by tackling the real problems facing our customers, but our work doesn’t stop there. We need to understand what they go through when they’re not using Change.
Often our customers live hectic lives in stressful environments where they make hundreds of decisions a day. They have a million things on their plate at any given time. Because of this, we avoid tech jargon and speak to them as if we were grabbing coffee. If they don’t understand something, we don’t patronize, we take the time to explain and teach them how things work.
It’s important for us to go that extra mile to build a solid relationship with them right away. It builds trust so they need to know if anything goes wrong, we’ll be there for them.
You can read more about our credo on the Change About page. To learn more about why we created the Change Credo, read our first post in this series. Stay tuned next week, as we explore and discuss another element of our credo: "Make It Fun."