Over the past month, we’ve been exploring the different elements of the Change Credo, a philosophy that guides us as we work to build a better point of sale for our customers. We have introduced you to “Make It Count,” “Make Mistakes,” “Make It Human,” and now we’re going to do what we do best: “Make It Fun.”
Create memorable experiences for everyone around you.
Inject personality, joy, and a sense of humor into everything you do.
Try not to take yourself too seriously.
Work doesn’t have to feel like work.
From Hotdog eating contests to holiday trading cards and that overgrown beard that launched Change–we take our fun seriously. We strongly believe that if we can create joy and happiness here in the office, it will spill over to our customers.
For us, fun comes in the form of creativity. We love brainstorming ideas, exploring new technology, and experimenting with ways to create delight for our customers.
Just because Change’s sole purpose is to track numbers and boring accounting stuff, doesn’t mean it can’t be fun to use. With features like custom images for items and branded receipts, we want to give our customers a sense of ownership and the freedom to customize Change how they wish.
Neil Roberts, Change's Software Engineer, says the purpose of Make It Fun is to differentiate Change from other point of sale systems.
“Average cash registers make no attempt at being pleasant to use; they’re old big boxes. We’re trying to move away from that stigma.”
You can read more about our credo on the Change About page. To learn more about why we created the Change Credo, read our first post in this series. Stay tuned next week, as we explore the final element of our credo: “Make It Together.”